Course: Financial Acumen

An innovative, 100% exercise based method to teach corporate finance to non-financial professionals.


See below or refer to our Training Brochure for additional details.

Course Outline:Financial Training

  1. Model accounting basics for running a simple business - the lemonade stand example
  2. See how operations show up as accruals, cash and balance sheet items
  3. Calculate common metrics to understand the financial health of a company

Exercise Example:

  • Supplier Statement Analysis:
    In this exercise, the class reviews a key supplier's P&L and balance sheet to identify points of leverage, benchmark common financial metrics and compare the results to current contracts.

Expectations Upon Completion

  • Skills to find available information on suppliers such as annual reports and analyst reports
  • Knowledge to calculate common metrics and compare to corporate averages and expectations
  • Ability to identify signs of financial stress which might disrupt supply
  • Capability to link financial data to contract pricing
Benchmarking | Supplier Risk Identification & Management